Creditors stop calling. Your mailbox is free of final notices. The stress and worry over unmanageable debt is a thing of the past. Your credit score will begin to improve. Those are just a few things that you can count on in your life after bankruptcy. Your peace of mind is paramount to us. Through the process of Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, we can help get you there. Imagine being able look forward -- to focus on the things that matter to you instead living in fear because of your poor financial picture.
While you do not want to revisit your prior financial problems, you do need to rebuild your credit by showing that you can make timely payments to credit cards, car loans and mortgages. Your score will not change overnight. You will need to take careful and deliberate steps, but a good credit rating can be yours in your life after bankruptcy and the team at Jordan Legal Group is there to help.
At Jordan Legal Group we take the time in your initial consultation to educate you on the process of debt relief and what your life will look like after bankruptcy.